Removing satellite receivers

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Re: Removing satellite receivers


Post by mevans »

Your post was a while ago, but I believe the United States C-band spectrum being used by the church satellite network went offline at the end of 2021. The government auctioned off that spectrum for other uses. The church still does operate a Ku-band satellite system. Those use much smaller dishes pointed at a different satellite.
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Re: Removing satellite receivers


Post by russellhltn »

mevans wrote: Sat Oct 01, 2022 12:55 pm I believe the United States C-band spectrum being used by the church satellite network went offline at the end of 2021.
I think it's still running, but there was a finacial incentive to remove as many as they could. It's possible the receivers were all turned off remotely.
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Re: Removing satellite receivers


Post by lajackson »

They came around and removed all of the big receiving antennae in our stake this week. Someone called yesterday from a branch asking why they could not find general conference at the church. I asked if the satellite antenna was still out back or if it was gone. It's gone they said. That's why you cannot get conference. Find a laptop.
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Re: Removing satellite receivers


Post by jelanzoni »

Question. Our satellite dish was removed a while ago but they did not take the receiver equipment inside the library. Was there a message or memorandum that provided the information on how to remove this equipment and or who can remove this equipment? We are a small branch and we could really use the space in our library that this equipment is taking up. Any help and or guidance would be appreciate. Thanks for your help.
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Re: Removing satellite receivers


Post by russellhltn »

jelanzoni wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 10:24 am Was there a message or memorandum that provided the information on how to remove this equipment and or who can remove this equipment?
The cabinet with the receivers probably have other things co-located there. Things like a video distribution system that might be used for large meetings for overflow. Or, a system that might be used to webcast meetings.

But if there's nothing else of interest, the branch president can file a FIR with FM to have it removed.
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Re: Removing satellite receivers


Post by BrianEdwards »

the branch president can file a FIR with FM to have it removed
Interestingly, we recently did that exact process for a bunch of security camera system equipment in our attic. Our building is inner-city, and somebody asked if we could start using the security camera system. We were told that the Church actually doesn't support that anymore, and they also told us that their recommendation is to keep the equipment in the building (?!?). So it's still turned on, and doing absolutely nothing except using electricity.

Just to say that it wouldn't surprise me if the FM group said they'll just keep the equipment in the building. Hopefully they do take it out, but your mileage may vary ;)
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Re: Removing satellite receivers


Post by RyanGard1977 »

The receivers are no longer needed and useless and worthless. Toss them. They will never be used again. The contractors who removed the dishes were instructed to only remove the dishes and did not go into the meetinghouses and were told nothing about the receivers.
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Re: Removing satellite receivers


Post by RyanGard1977 »

And current policy is that no active security cameras are allowed to be installed in meetinghouses. Doesn't mean that some dummy cameras are not set up in high crime areas.. There are exceptions but those permissions can only come from salt lake.
Ryan Gardner
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