Addiction Recovery Promotional Materials

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Addiction Recovery Promotional Materials


Post by erinknudsen »

Hi! My husband and I are addiction recovery missionaries. We've been struggling with marketing the program. We haven't found any brochures or powerpoint presentations for the program. The addiction recovery guide is great, but without being able to market the program...this program is very under utilized and under marketed. The addiction recovery program promotes healing and coming to the Savior through the atonement. I have made some brochures and powerpoint over the year and a half we've been missionaries. We use the powerpoint in presenting to Wards/Stakes in 5th Sunday meetings, in Relief Society/Priesthood Meetings, Ward Councils, etc. However, most stakes/wards don't have a budget for the addiction recovery program. Our bishop and stake do reimburse us, however I feel as a professional that this program should have official marketing literature and presentations for the missionaries to use worldwide to promote this program. Please see attached at our ideas, I would love for some official marketing materials (digital and paper) to distribute like the church does with pass along cards etc.

Yours in Christ,

Sister Erin A Knudsen
ARP brochure-new_revised 09182023.pdf
Brochure_Addiction Recovery
(1.77 MiB) Downloaded 1382 times
ARP Presentation.pptx
Powerpoint Presentation_Introductory
(1.02 MiB) Downloaded 1155 times
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Re: Addiction Recovery Promotional Materials


Post by BrianEdwards »

Sister Knudson, thanks for sharing these materials. For your awareness, almost all the Forum participants are "regular church members" like yourself, and a primary role for the Forum is mutual help and advice. It is unlikely that anyone from the Church who might be able to take official action, will see your post or the accompanying files.

A normal suggestion for cases like this is to talk to your priesthood leader. I'm unaware of how the ARP missionaries operate, but there must be some kind of communication between yourselves and others, either Stake/Area leaders, or Mission leaders. You may have already tried that avenue, but I'd be hopeful that perhaps you could be put into direct contact with somebody inside the Church's ARP group (I assume something like that exists). Maybe somebody on the Forum knows how you could get that kind of access.

My expectation is that most likely everyone is "reinventing the wheel" at the local level, so to speak. Perhaps you can help be a proponent of change, and get something at least quasi-official that the ARP department could informally share with those administering the program.
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Re: Addiction Recovery Promotional Materials


Post by hollynanidupont »

Aloha Elder & Sister Knudsen,
Just wanted to thank you for sharing both your brochure & power point presentation. It confirmed to me that the similar ones I created was in line with providing something to members and nonmembers including presenting to our Wards & Branches. I know you are inspired and those you come in contact with are truly blessed by your efforts.
I know Ben Erwin who is the project manager for the Addiction Recovery Program (ARP) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He helps oversee the worldwide Addiction Recovery Program that the Church sponsors to help people find recovery through Christ. I would like to share with him our similar thoughts in promotional materials and why there is nothing further provided as compared with other auxiliary's that provide so much.
I will share when I hear back from him.
Best regards,
Sister DuPont
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Re: Addiction Recovery Promotional Materials


Post by janeygrover »

Thank you for sharing this. We had a non-member ask why ARP is not promoted. We got some guidance on the process to put together promotional materials and I loved looking at what you posted for inspiration.
Mahalo! :D
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