Ministering Tools

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Ministering Tools


Post by clarkdavis »

I am in an Elders Quorum presidency in a ward with a lot of movement. As such, we are often working on ministering assignments. There are a lot of little tweeks that I would like to suggest or work with someone on that would make it much easier to make good assignments and put us in a better position to be inspired. I have experience with development. I'd make these changes myself if I could.

Option to show pictures in ministering views - This would be SOOOOO helpful. I am not good with names. I am pretty good with faces. We spend so much effort talking about who someone is and not on the right assignment for them.
Option to show some attendance summary info in some views - this would help identify active brothers who have not yet been assigned, but should be.
Option to Que assignments - Create a way to move people from un assigned to a holding "to assign section". Not all in unassigned are the same priority to assign and this becomes overwhelming.
Update Propose assignments Diff report to show diff to current assignments, rather than diff to time that the proposed assignments was reset. Without this the proposed assignments can not be a working area. It requires that all proposals are made, accepted, and assigned. This doesn't support real life.
There are a number of other suggestions. Many are a simple template change.

Is there anyone on the development team I could talk to?
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Re: Ministering Tools


Post by russellhltn »

The developers work according to the priorities set down by the leadership. That is, we're not the customer. The top leadership in the church is. The same development team is responsible for many different products, so it's not like they have spare time. They work as directed.

You can pass along the suggestions using the feedback links. Maybe some of them will be incorporated when Ministering gets updates. Some ideas may be small enough to be in the developer's dscression (like the photos).

However, some of the suggestions might impact policy, or at a least pose a mismatch between the proposal and the leaders' vision of how things should work. Those ideas are less likely to get acted on. (Option to Queue)

Short of being hired as a church employee, you're not likely to be able to directly contribute to development.

Now, if you find bugs, that tends to get more attention. The developers seem to have more leeway to fix than to add features.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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