genman wrote: ↑Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:04 pm
When I try again today, Android Gospel Library is working. When I look under GL > Help > What's New, it shows the version as 6.3.0 now. So apparently the software folks heard about the problems with 6.3.1 and rolled it back. It's working now.
What's New has information about major new features that are added to the app – it doesn't have content for every app update. You can see the app version you have installed under Settings > App Details. Gospel Library 6.3.1 for Android was released on November 1st, and it's still the current latest version on the Google Play Store.
It's possible there was a temporary problem on the content servers, but I'm not sure why it would only have affected some users.
I'm glad it's working for you now!