Still current?

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Still current?


Post by devinbost »

Does anyone actually use this forum anymore?
As I'm looking through the various sections of the forum, most of the posts seem to be years old.
Why is participation so low?
I'd think more wards and stakes would be interested in collaborating on how to use and improve their technologies...
I mean, we're over 15 million members...
Do we have data on how many new posts are created in this forum every month? Maybe someone from Church HQ can find an answer to this question.
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Re: Still current?


Post by eblood66 »

Perhaps one of the forum administrators has access to more exact stats but I'd estimate I see 10-50 posts every day. If you look at the Active Topics option in the Quick Links it shows 66 topics with activity in the last week and most topics have had more than one post in that time.

The participation seems similar to what I've seen over the years I've been frequenting the forums. Of course, many people involved with church technology do not know about the forums but many also probably wouldn't visit anyway unless they have a problem they need to solve.
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Re: Still current?


Post by Mikerowaved »

FYI, since Dec 6, 2006 (16 years ago):

Code: Select all

Total number of posts:      230472
Average posts per day:      38.86
Total number of topics:     37339
Average new topics per day: 6.30
Total number of users:      67963
Average new users per day:  11.46
When things go wrong, we get a LOT of new users looking for answers. Most recently has been the issue of email sent through LCR not reaching everyone. There was a large flurry regarding the church ceasing their Meetinghouse Webcast service. Another was all about how to webcast sacrament meetings in ward buildings. The list of hot topics is quite long. Add to that the usual amount of forum traffic with individuals seeking help with their calling. I'd say over the last few years (which includes all the Covid related problems) the board is more active than it's ever been.
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Re: Still current?


Post by russellhltn »

The forum has been active since 2006 and we don't delete old posts. As such, the majority of the posts are old, but there's still much that is current.

You may want to reconsider how you're searching the forum. Perhaps there some confusion with pinned topics which sit at the top, but may not have any recent posts.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Still current?


Post by kd7mha »

I seem to recall a time when someone was commenting about how old a post was only to find out they were looking at the date the user joined and not the post date
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Re: Still current?


Post by russellhltn »

kd7mha wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 12:59 pm I seem to recall a time when someone was commenting about how old a post was only to find out they were looking at the date the user joined and not the post date
Good point. It's part of the default phpBB layout but does seem to cause confusion.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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