Multiple WAPs won't release device

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Multiple WAPs won't release device


Post by kwillisjr »

I have a building with two Meraki WAPs on opposite ends of the building. When entering the building and connecting wirelessly to the network, the device will remain connected to that WAP and will not release and connect to the WAP on the other end of the building when moving closer to it. The problem is that the distant WAP retains the connection but is not capable of providing a useable signal at distance. Is there something we can do to make these WAPs release sooner? I thought maybe moving them to the extreme opposite ends of the building, but I don't think even that will cause them to release the connection to the closer WAP. Then I thought remove a WAP and only use one, but I'm not sure that would be suffucient. Then I thought move them closer. That seems counter intuitive but at a closer distance, the far WAP may be able to maintain a useable connection to the far end of the building. I'm hoping someone here has come across this issue and has been able to resolve it.
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Re: Multiple WAPs won't release device


Post by russellhltn »

There's two parts to this: the network and the device. On the network side, the only thing I can suggest is to make sure the Meraki APs are properly setup and showing in Church Network Manager (CNM). Also make sure they are directly connected to the Meraki switch with nothing in-between, and the port on the switch is set for "AP". This gives the Meraki system the best chance to function as a coordinated system.

Reading some posts on "roaming access points", it appears that much of this is still on the client. There doesn't really appear to be a standard for handoff like there is in the cellular world. The APs can play games to nudge the device from one AP to the other, but that's about it. The device may be reluctant to change APs if there's an active session going on (such as streaming content or perhaps a download of updates).
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Multiple WAPs won't release device


Post by kwillisjr »

I was able to confirm that everything is connected and configured properly. Thank you for the reply. At least now I know what I'm dealing with.
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