Search bar filters changed on website

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Search bar filters changed on website


Post by starb37 »

What happened to the search bar filters that used to come up when you used the magnifying glass on the right hand side? I used to be able to search for keywords and then separate the results by scriptures, music, general conference, magazines, and so on. Now, the only options are Web and Image. I use this search bar constantly as I like to find conference talks that go along with the Come, Follow Me lesson topics, and now I don't have the ability to search for just conference talks without getting EVERYTHING else! Does anyone know why they changed it and if they will change it back?
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Re: Search bar filters changed on website


Post by rmrichesjr »

Using the Feedback link or button is the best way to have input into website decisions. Because this is only a user-to-user discussion forum, posts here won't likely be seen by anyone with any influence over decisions.
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Re: Search bar filters changed on website


Post by starb37 »

Thanks for the suggestion- I actually started there... just thought someone might have an idea about why they changed it.
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Re: Search bar filters changed on website


Post by rmrichesjr »

We'll find out.

On the off chance it might be of some use, there's a trick on some/many/most search engines to limit searching so that hits are returned _only_ for a specific domain. For example, I put the following into the search bar of one search engine: white horse prophecy

and it returned hits from Church websites.
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Re: Search bar filters changed on website


Post by starb37 »

Thanks again for the suggestion, but that doesn't really help with what I want to do. I want to search for key words found only in General Conference addresses or only in musical selections within the website itself, not search the entire website. In fact, that seems to be what the search function is doing right now- searching through everything and randomly giving results. Very frustrating for me, and I hope it doesn't stay this way for long. I do appreciate your suggestion, though.
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Re: Search bar filters changed on website


Post by russellhltn »

Note this same technique will work to limit results from sections on a website. For example:

site: ... conference white horse prophecy

will get you only general conference talks. And:

site: mother

will only get results from the music section.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Search bar filters changed on website


Post by starb37 »

Thank you- I just tried it and it seems to work! It's a temporary solution, but I still hope they fix the search parameters in the future.
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