Members search for our name in ward directory - but does not pop-up in the list

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Members search for our name in ward directory - but does not pop-up in the list


Post by Asiangem »

Hello everyone and 2022 Year of the Tiger!

The ward members when searching in the ward directory and using the search bar -
When they type in our last name "Lind" - then the pop-up list only shows all the names which have "lind" in their names (i.e. Linda) but it does not show up our last name. What can we do to this search function work for our ward members.

When we see the members in our ward, they always state that they need to have our phone number and email since they searched the ward directory and our last name does not show up.

When I search for our first names, then our full first and last name shows up in the pop-up list. But usually a member uses only our last name and then it does not pop-up in the search list.

We have been in this ward for over 5 years and still the problem exists. I suppose I could look at this as something good since if there talks to do in Sacrament - then they can't find us in the directory. . . . hehe :D
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Re: Members search for our name in ward directory - but does not pop-up in the list


Post by russellhltn »

Two ideas come to mind:

Scroll though the list of families and make sure you're listed under "Lind" as expected. One issue that frequently trips people up is that the Household can have a different name from the member's legal last name. The directory goes by the Household name, not the actual name.

The other is to see if you have an orange "lock" symbol on your name/household. If so, then the issue may be your privacy may have been set too strict and the general ward membership can't see you (but the leadership still can).
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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