Satellite dish removal

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Re: Satellite dish removal


Post by lajackson »

mevans wrote:
lajackson wrote:We are being asked to use for the speed tests, . . .
Who asked you to do that? Did you fill out the report and the church responded asking for more information?
The Request for Assistance form in the email calls out the requirement if you determine that you have insufficient bandwidth to receive Church webcasts.
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Re: Satellite dish removal


Post by awev »

At home, as I type this, I am using a Comcast 1.2Gig connection, yet since my WAN and LAN switches can only do 1Gig, I can't hit above 960Mbps. If I use it doesn't see or report anything above 100Mbps. Go to and I get more realistic reports, such as 933Mbps down, and upload failed due to firewall (correct ;) ). You could even try something like that shows averages, not just the peak speed measured.
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Re: Satellite dish removal


Post by mevans »

Apparently the church decided our location would remain on satellite. I noticed at general conference that our 8 foot diameter dish had been replaced with a much smaller dish that looks like it's pointed at a different location. I think it was a fairly recent change (I don't go to the stake center that often, but remember seeing the big dish several weeks ago).

I don't know if that decision was due to multiple languages or slower internet; all I know is we have a smaller dish now.
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Re: Satellite dish removal


Post by lajackson »

mevans wrote: I noticed at general conference that our 8 foot diameter dish had been replaced with a much smaller dish that looks like it's pointed at a different location.
It sounds as if they switched you from C-band to Ku-band. They would not do that for us. They just bumped up the Internet speed.
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Re: Satellite dish removal


Post by russellhltn »

mevans wrote: Sat Oct 09, 2021 9:00 am I don't know if that decision was due to multiple languages or slower internet; all I know is we have a smaller dish now.
Most likely it was the combination.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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