Will the church introduce their apps to Samsung tvs

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Will the church introduce their apps to Samsung tvs


Post by jermshp »

The Samsung TVs have their own apps - currently there is no church apps available for them - can the church remedy this
Would be good if they could for web casting as many chapel have smart TVs but not android ones for web casting app
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Re: Will the church introduce their apps to Samsung tvs


Post by russellhltn »

We don't know what they're working on, but I doubt if the church will put apps on smaller app stores.

Note that Member Tools isn't available for Windows, and I'm not aware of any apps for MacOS. Both of them have a much larger user base than Samsung.

What the church may do is create a web page that would work on many different devices.
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Re: Will the church introduce their apps to Samsung tvs


Post by Wattsuk »

Different areas have different smart TV's. Developing an app for Samsung is not sustainable.

The solution to this issue is that local units can purchase an android TV box. They are very inexpensive and compatible with any HDMI device. Projector included.
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