Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams

Using the Church Webcasting System, YouTube, etc. Including cameras and mixers.
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams


Post by Mikerowaved »

After review of the council given us regarding live-streaming, our stake's choice was to create a Stake YouTube Channel and freely publish it to the stake membership. There, they can find their own ward's meeting(s). All meetings have comments and live-chat turned off to avoid any unwanted disruptions. 60 seconds after a stream stops uploading, that video automatically changes to "Unlisted". After reviewing each video for quality, they are deleted - but not before making a "clone" of that meeting's settings for the following week. This keeps the RTMP URL the same from week to week making it easier for the ATS's assigned to each ward. (YouTube has a nice feature allowing you to create, name, and manage reusable stream keys. You even get a friendly warning if you happen to use the same key for different upcoming live events.)

The biggest advantage is a single URL where all the meetings in the stake can be found. Some bishops have chosen to include second-hour meetings, while others have not. The actual meeting links change each week, but the static pictures don't, making it simple for a member to find a particular meeting. When a meeting goes live, it's automatically moved from the "Upcoming" list to the "Live now" list, again, making it easy to find.

The stake president has indicated that in the near future he would like the YT Live links created as "Unlisted" from the start, then email the individual links to the ward bishop (or ATS) each week so they can send them to those who have a real need to stay home. Nothing from the above YT Live procedure will change, except one switch. Everything else will be exactly as before. The difference (of course), is the links to the videos will not be visible.
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams


Post by sbradshaw »

Mikerowaved wrote:60 seconds after a stream stops uploading, that video automatically changes to "Unlisted".
That's one way to encourage people to be on time for Church! :)
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Re: Webcasts da Igreja usando transmissões ao vivo do YouTube


Post by v_hugodasilva »

gente quem for fazer transmissão para youtube so e preciso ativar a função de transmissão eles aprovam em ate 24h
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams


Post by lajackson »

I gather from this post that a Teradek VidiU encoder could be set once to stream to the proper RTMP URL and will not need to be reset if the subsequent meetings are "cloned" as they are created each week. Otherwise, the encoding device would need to be reconfigured each week. Is this correct?

I gather from the Stake YouTube Channel page that a YouTube account is able to stream two or more events simultaneously? I presume this happens because each meeting has a different RTMP URL and receives the appropriate feed from the device in that particular ward. Is this correct?

In the post you mention that the meeting link changes each week, but that the static pictures do not. Did you set up the pictures, or does YouTube do that for you?

If you switch to "unlisted" meetings, will you have to send out the meeting link to the invited members, and will it be a different link each week?

At stake conference time, do you just throw up a new event that gets added to the list?
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams


Post by Mikerowaved »

lajackson wrote: Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:17 pm I gather from this post that a Teradek VidiU encoder could be set once to stream to the proper RTMP URL and will not need to be reset if the subsequent meetings are "cloned" as they are created each week. Otherwise, the encoding device would need to be reconfigured each week. Is this correct?
Correct. Subsequent webcasts can use the same RTMP key. In our stake center, 3 wards use the Teradek, so each has a "profile" saved on the Teradek that can be easily recalled by the next ward to use it.
lajackson wrote: Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:17 pmI gather from the Stake YouTube Channel page that a YouTube account is able to stream two or more events simultaneously? I presume this happens because each meeting has a different RTMP URL and receives the appropriate feed from the device in that particular ward. Is this correct?
Correct. There's no limit to the number of concurring webcasts, as long as each is using a different stream key.
lajackson wrote: Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:17 pmIn the post you mention that the meeting link changes each week, but that the static pictures do not. Did you set up the pictures, or does YouTube do that for you?
I setup the static pics, but they're not required. I just did it to help members find their ward's webcast a bit easier. One thing to remember is If they're not in a 16:9 format, then YouTube will pad either the top/bottom or sides with black bars.
lajackson wrote: Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:17 pmIf you switch to "unlisted" meetings, will you have to send out the meeting link to the invited members, and will it be a different link each week?
Yes and yes.
lajackson wrote: Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:17 pmAt stake conference time, do you just throw up a new event that gets added to the list?
Yes. I have two events prepared already for the Saturday and Sunday sessions of our stake conference next week. Our SP wishes to keep the Saturday session Unlisted and give the URL to those who need it. The Sunday session will be made Public.
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams


Post by lajackson »

Mikerowaved wrote:In our stake center, 3 wards use the Teradek, so each has a "profile" saved on the Teradek that can be easily recalled by the next ward to use it.
So the ward specialist needs to access the Teradek and select the profile before each meeting? Sounds simple enough.
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams


Post by Mikerowaved »

lajackson wrote: Sat Oct 09, 2021 9:30 pm
Mikerowaved wrote:In our stake center, 3 wards use the Teradek, so each has a "profile" saved on the Teradek that can be easily recalled by the next ward to use it.
So the ward specialist needs to access the Teradek and select the profile before each meeting? Sounds simple enough.
Yes, it actually is pretty simple. The ward technology specialists all know the Teradek's fixed IP address and the password to access its web interface from anywhere in the building. There's an Android app available for it also that works pretty well. (Not sure about iOS.)
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams


Post by Biggles »

Vidiu app also available on iOS!
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams


Post by lajackson »

Biggles wrote: Sun Oct 10, 2021 6:54 am Vidiu app also available on iOS!
I think there has been an iOS app since the beginning. I was just wondering if they had built an Android app. It turns out they have, but my phone is not powerful enough to run it. [sigh]
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams


Post by lajackson »

Mikerowaved wrote:Yes, it actually is pretty simple. The ward technology specialists all know the Teradek's fixed IP address and the password to access its web interface from anywhere in the building.
Duh. I forgot I could use the browser on my phone to get there from here.
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