Stake clerk access to ward clerk/secretary roles

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Stake clerk access to ward clerk/secretary roles


Post by mikej »

As a stake clerk, one of the primary responsibilities is to train the ward clerks. I find that many of the new clerks have questions about things in LCR that I do not have access to because of the roles (Membership Info section and Ministering section in particular). I don't need permission to actually do any of the functions on behalf of the wards, but it would sure be helpful to be able to see what they are seeing in order to help guide them. Has anyone figured out a good way to do this other than trying to remember how things worked when I was serving in a ward? Gets old saying "you should see something on the page that says something like xxx but I am not quite sure where it is or what it actually says". Recently the stake president asked me to do a training session for the secretaries in the wards to make sure they know how to record ministering interviews. Would be really nice to be able to see those screens before training them.

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Re: Stake clerk access to ward clerk/secretary roles


Post by jonesrk »

One option you have if you need a refresher is to sit down with on of the clerks/secretaries before your training and look at the screens with their login
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Re: Stake clerk access to ward clerk/secretary roles


Post by davesudweeks »

This is my personal opinion: Local training for the unit organizations is the unit clerk's responsibility. As the Stake Clerk, your responsibility is to train the ward and branch clerks. They train the organization secretaries. The ward and branch clerks can see everything the organization secretaries can see so they are in the position to successfully train them.

As this is an assignment from your stake president, I recommend you coordinate with your ward and branch clerks for them to conduct the training in their units (and sit in for support if you feel the need to do so). You might start with your home ward where it should be easy to participate in their training so you can provide guidance to the clerks in other units in your stake.

Another option would be to have a stake training session and have one of your ward clerks who is good at the technology lead it.
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Re: Stake clerk access to ward clerk/secretary roles


Post by FiferED »

"The ward and branch clerks can see everything the organization secretaries can see so they are in the position to successfully train them."

I am a ward clerk wanting to train organization secretaries on the new "Class and Quorum Attendance.” My problem isn't seeing what secretaries see but rather knowing what they cannot see so I don't mislead them with instructions based on what I can see but they cannot. For example, I wanted to learn whether the Primary secretary could record attendance only for children or also for adults with Primary callings. (Answer: Only for children as I would expect and not for adults with Primary callings as I would hope.) I had to contact the Primary secretary and have her walk me through what she could see to learn this. Example 2: I also wanted to see what the Sunday School secretary could and could not see. Would the Sunday School be limited to reporting attendance only for Sunday School weeks? I solved this by making my son (who happens to live in my ward) Sunday School secretary and then having him log in to see what the Sunday School could and couldn't see and do. Once I'd done that, I released my son from his one-day, unofficial calling.

What would be nice would be for stake clerks to see ward clerk views (but not see sensitive data or alter data) and for ward clerks to be able to do likewise for ward secretaries and perhaps others in wards.
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Re: Stake clerk access to ward clerk/secretary roles


Post by BrianEdwards »

As a reminder, while these "enhancement requests" may be supported by those here on the User Forum, other than us giving you "moral support" or suggesting workarounds, there's not much traction to be gained by making the request here. There may be a Church Developer secretly lurking about, but I expect they have required procedures to go through to implement enhanced functionality. Not saying you can't make the request here on the Forum, just wanting to set expectations.

My understanding of the two realistic ways to advocate for these changes would be (1) Send this up the leadership chain, and (2) Provide feedback via the standard Feedback links on LCR. And I understand this may not be a very satisfactory answer... :roll:
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