Setting up meetings with remote presenters

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Setting up meetings with remote presenters


Post by bretbassett »

Over the Summer, the church conducted many stake conferences, Priesthood Leadership Conferences, and Church Leadership Conferences. These were unique meetings in that you had stake members at home, Stake Leaders in various locations, and General Authorities using Zoom to attend and participate. This required special setup. Attached is PDF which describes the setup for these unique meetings.
Setup for Meetings with Remote Participants.pdf
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Re: Setting up meetings with remote presenters


Post by brycewj »

Thanks for the information
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Re: Setting up meetings with remote presenters


Post by lajackson »

According to the diagram, the chapel sound out is fed back to the chapel sound in by way of the USB audio connector. Does this not cause an audio feedback loop?
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Re: Setting up meetings with remote presenters


Post by russellhltn »

lajackson wrote:According to the diagram, the chapel sound out is fed back to the chapel sound in by way of the USB audio connector. Does this not cause an audio feedback loop?
Nope. Zoom takes care of it.

Speaking as someone who has tried to connect conference room sound systems to analog phone lines, today's technology is really quite amazing.
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Re: Setting up meetings with remote presenters


Post by jdavis6031 »

Is there any efficient way of picking up the congregations comments for the second hour meetings? For elders quorum we have been using a daisy chain system, works well for a medium size room. With Sunday School we use the chapel, the room is too big to use our small daisy chain of mics and if i were to extend it I afraid some would get tangled in the mess of wire. So far we have been chasing people down with a cordless mic, problem is that this adds a significant amount of time and effort spent chasing comments for those viewing at home. I'm just curious if there is a worth while alternative for this?
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Re: Setting up meetings with remote presenters


Post by russellhltn »

jdavis6031 wrote:Is there any efficient way of picking up the congregations comments for the second hour meetings? For elders quorum we have been using a daisy chain system, works well for a medium size room. With Sunday School we use the chapel, the room is too big to use our small daisy chain of mics and if i were to extend it I afraid some would get tangled in the mess of wire.
I don't know as there would be any alternatives if you're going to feed the sound system for the rest of the room to hear. If it's just to feed the webinar, it might be fun to play with a parabolic mic. However, that's not exactly subtle.

The no-tech method is to simply have the teacher restate/simplify the question.
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