Goodbye to Liahona

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Goodbye to Liahona


Post by MikeStucki »

I was told today that the Liahona SSID is going away.
1- When is this to happen?
2- Why “” “” ?
3- How will wards who use smartphones to broadcast church handle this?
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Re: Goodbye to Liahona


Post by lclaussen »

Quick follow-up who did you hear this from?
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Re: Goodbye to Liahona


Post by Mikerowaved »

I'm not sure this is accurate. The church just recently spent quite a bit for a major change out of all the Firewalls and APs to Meraki to facilitate the transition from LDSAccess to Liahona. What's in place now was designed to stay there for quite a while.

Granted, individual stakes may choose to turn off the WiFi during meetings to help with live streaming when BW is limited, but even then, the church put in an optional alternate SSID the STS can turn on for restricted use. Perhaps that's a step your stake had to take.
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Re: Goodbye to Liahona


Post by russellhltn »

mikestucki wrote:I was told today that the Liahona SSID is going away.
I suspect there's some miscommunication. The STS, under the authority of the stake president, can turn off Liahona on a building by building basis. That's always been possible.

What's new is "Lehi" that can be turned on. The password is set per-building and the password has to be changed every 90 days or it turns off. The idea is the password would only be shared with a limited group of people to preserve bandwidth for critical things, like webcasting/zoom meetings and leadership functions.

There's also a timer function for Liahona. But it's designed more for turning it off overnight to discourage people from mooching the WiFi. But it could be set to be off all of Sunday, but turn on for evening activities on the other days of the week.

Bottom line, I doubt if this is a church-wide thing, but a local decision.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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