Discover Service Missionary Opportunities

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Discover Service Missionary Opportunities


Post by StarkeyPD »

I’ve been searching and browsing service missionary opportunities. I’m finding it a bit frustrating. When I use the filters- like Serve from Home (logged in with my church account so it should know that I live in Fruit Heights, UT), I see listings for San Diego, CA, New Mexico and other places in the country.
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Re: Discover Service Missionary Opportunities


Post by davesudweeks »

StarkeyPD wrote:I’ve been searching and browsing service missionary opportunities. I’m finding it a bit frustrating. When I use the filters- like Serve from Home (logged in with my church account so it should know that I live in Fruit Heights, UT), I see listings for San Diego, CA, New Mexico and other places in the country.
I share your pain. The filter system is not very accurate and does not give enough options to narrow down the choices. I sent feedback on that and nothing has changed.

Unfortunately, the only official way to report problems or improvements is through the feedback system from the web page. Perhaps if enough folks report through official channels, those responsible for the programmers priorities will notice and have them make some changes.

There is an option to restrict the search to a specific state, but if that works as well as the language restriction is will only be slightly accurate at best. I'm a few years away from retirement, but do love the ability to review opportunities online, even if I have to slog through a bunch of unrelated opportunities.
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Re: Discover Service Missionary Opportunities


Post by sbradshaw »

Could there be Serve from Home opportunities that are "headquartered" in other cities, but could be done from home, that cause the filter to be confusing?
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Discover Service Missionary Opportunities


Post by russellhltn »

I tried browsing that. I'm not sure as I ended up in the same system. The only filter I could find that was like that was the "housing" filter could be set to "at home". It then confirmed where my home was.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Discover Service Missionary Opportunities


Post by davesudweeks »

For reference, I usually peruse the listings here: https://seniormissionary.churchofjesusc ... /ft/search as I'm dreaming of the day I can retire and serve one or more senior missions with my wife.
But if one is interested in service opportunities, you are taken here: https://seniormissionary.churchofjesusc ... /cs/search

At the second link above, there is an option on the left to "serve from home" and when I select that option, the first results that come up are in Utah. I live in Oklahoma - I don't see as how I could reasonably serve 8 hrs per week in Utah when SLC is about a 20-hr drive one way from my home.

If one selects "serve close from home" the system allows adding individual states to the list, but it is no more accurate.

This is when logged in and the system correctly identifies my ward an stake in Oklahoma. I don't know what criteria the programmers use to filter the listings but they are not much use in helping avoid browsing through page after page of opportunities that the filter should hide.
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Re: Discover Service Missionary Opportunities


Post by mevans »

Even when you answer questions about your situation (for example do you have children under 18), it also recommends service that you cannot give when you still have children that age at home. (For that matter, unless the LCR report was fixed, the report for potential senior missionaries in LCR gives a list of people who cannot yet serve because they have children under 18...and those children are on the records, so the report logic could determine some people are not eligible.)
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Re: Discover Service Missionary Opportunities


Post by jpjones~ogr »

This message may qualify as a new topic, but I'm hesitant to do so, and it seems to add to the earlier discussion.

Today I learned from an area CSM coordinator that the current Senior Service Missionary System (or CSM) is being replaced. A new system is expected to be generally available in June or July this year (2022).

Our first attempt to use the system began Sunday. Since I kept finding the site/system address unknown or unavailable I started poking around. Global Services generally appears to lack information about the transition, and being on the main network they can still see it. However local leaders have no access. Remote area coordinators have access if they have a VPN connection.

The work-around I was given is to contact an area coordinator directly, and let them process things. CSM support can be a ready resource for finding your area coordinators.

I hope this helps.
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