Sacrament Meeting reporting for Ward Clerks

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Sacrament Meeting reporting for Ward Clerks


Post by cdawardclerk-p40 »

I have recently been called to Ward Clerk duty after about 15 months as Finance Clerk. I can't seem to get a good read on what information I am to collect from our Sacrament meetings. I have reviewed the training lessons and the handbook but still am at a loss for the details. Our prior clerks designed a form that includes attendance, who is presiding, conducting, playing the organ. music conducting, hymns sung, prayers, Ward Busines, Announcements, talks, who blesses and passes the sacrament, etc. I was told that this information needed to be recorded on this form. I don't see anywhere in MLS or in the traning that requires this data except for the attendance. I would like some feedback from Ward Clerks and Moderators. Thank you.
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Post by aebrown »

cdawardclerk wrote:I have recently been called to Ward Clerk duty after about 15 months as Finance Clerk. I can't seem to get a good read on what information I am to collect from our Sacrament meetings. I have reviewed the training lessons and the handbook but still am at a loss for the details. Our prior clerks designed a form that includes attendance, who is presiding, conducting, playing the organ. music conducting, hymns sung, prayers, Ward Busines, Announcements, talks, who blesses and passes the sacrament, etc. I was told that this information needed to be recorded on this form. I don't see anywhere in MLS or in the traning that requires this data except for the attendance. I would like some feedback from Ward Clerks and Moderators. Thank you.
It's a very good question. In many cases clerks started collecting information for some reason and then continued adding information, for some other reason, but the result is a set of records that is huge.

You're right that only the attendance is actually required (and that really only in the last month of each quarter).

But other information can be useful:
  • Ward business often triggers follow up -- adjusting the leadership directories in MLS and LUWS, scheduling the setting apart or ordination, etc.
  • Talks and prayers are often done on some sort of rotating schedule; recording that can help make sure that you don't overlook some members, while overworking others.
  • Hymns may also be rotated for similar reasons.
You are wise to ask these questions. The key is to review each piece of information collected and determine if it is actually used for some valid purpose. If it is not, then I say that you should stop collecting it. If in the last 5 years you have never had cause to look back on this report to see who blessed the sacrament or led the music, etc., then recording that information is a waste of time.
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Post by opee »

cdawardclerk wrote:I have recently been called to Ward Clerk duty after about 15 months as Finance Clerk. I can't seem to get a good read on what information I am to collect from our Sacrament meetings. I have reviewed the training lessons and the handbook but still am at a loss for the details. Our prior clerks designed a form that includes attendance, who is presiding, conducting, playing the organ. music conducting, hymns sung, prayers, Ward Busines, Announcements, talks, who blesses and passes the sacrament, etc. I was told that this information needed to be recorded on this form. I don't see anywhere in MLS or in the traning that requires this data except for the attendance. I would like some feedback from Ward Clerks and Moderators. Thank you.

Wow, that is a lot of information collected. In looking at the Handbook of Instructions and the FAQ for Clerks document, I think that the necessary information that needs to be collected by a clerk include:

(a) number in attendance sacrament meeting
(b) ward business to update callings and sustainings in MLS
(c) ward business to update child blessings and confirmations

The hymns, speakers, announcements, etc. are not really essential to track. Nice, but not necessary. Who blesses and passes the sacrament I don't think is necessary. Seems like something that has been passed down--never seen it in my years in the church.

That is my $0.02.
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Post by grantw »

As a ward clerk, you have responsibility over the history of the ward. What we do in my ward is the bishopric has the conducting sheet that contains the information listed in the post. After church I would take a copy of the bulletin and attach it to the conducting sheet, adding on the sacrament meeting count.

For us, having this information had a two fold purpose:
1) Once a quarter the ward historian then takes those sheets and uses them for recording the ward history. Its all together and the historian doesn't need to go looking for it from many different sources.
2) There have been times where questions arise about someone being called or released. I could go back into the binder to find the information.

When it comes down to it, talk with the bishop and do what works best for your ward.
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Post by russellhltn »

I'm glad bragado brought up the history angle. That's the only reason I can think of for recording so much.

However, it's worth noting that he has a very simple system: The conducting sheet, a Sunday program with a couple of scribbled notations. Far less work then a form. I can see myself doing that much just to have the ability to look back to answer some question. As long as all the announcements of significance (sustaining, releases, etc) are there, that's more then enough. The only thing missing is a discard date.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by cdawardclerk-p40 »

Bragado, I thought that the Ward Historian had that task. Our ward does not have a Historian called to do this. I track the callings and releases during the Bishopric meetings and Sacrament meetings.
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Post by russellhltn »

cdawardclerk wrote:Bragado, I thought that the Ward Historian had that task.
Yeah, but guess who's over the Historian? :p

From the "Role of the Ward Clerk" training:
You are also responsible for your ward’s historical records.
Each year, the ward should prepare an annual history and submit it to the stake. The bishop may assign a clerk to prepare the annual history, or he may call a specialist.
Since you are present in ward leadership meetings as ward clerk, you are in a position to make special note of items that would be proper to include in the annual history.
Near the end of each year and under the direction of the bishop, you or an assistant clerk can prepare the history, or you can supervise the preparation of the history if a specialist is called.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by jbh001 »

Maybe you have already discovered these threads:

Sacrament meeting tracking spreadsheet: ... #post10417
Sacrament meeting agenda/conducting form: ... #post10393
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