Scrum/Jira in Elders Quorum

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Scrum/Jira in Elders Quorum


Post by ianhandley »

I understand the church uses Jira to track tech projects. I am looking into ways to bring scrum methodology to the EQ group I'm a part of. Before I go out and find a product that is free/cheap, is there any chance of extending Jira use to the common membership?
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Re: Scrum/Jira in Elders Quorum


Post by scgallafent »

That's unlikely to happen.
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Re: Scrum/Jira in Elders Quorum


Post by sbradshaw »

I've heard of some ward councils using Trello or Asana to track things. Whatever you go with, make sure it's simple enough that the next person who needs to manage or maintain it is able to pick it up quickly. Also be careful to not post identifiable personal information about members in online third-party tools.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Scrum/Jira in Elders Quorum


Post by ianhandley »

Thanks for the replies!

I've worked with Trello some and will look into Asana.

On a separate note, is anyone out there using Slack for their orgs?
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Re: Scrum/Jira in Elders Quorum


Post by sbradshaw »

ianhandley wrote:On a separate note, is anyone out there using Slack for their orgs?
I've used Slack at work, and it's useful, but most people don't want to install an app if they don't already have it installed, or even sign up for a new online service, unless it's something they'll use several times a week or in multiple contexts. Keeping track of an account and the learning curve don't come for free, and the cost increases down the road as callings change. The best communication is meeting someone where they are – if they're on Facebook a lot, use Facebook; if they're on their phone, use texting; if they check their email frequently, use email.

Also, a downside of Slack is that there are limitations in how much you can control notifications in different workspaces (global vs. workspace settings). I use Slack for work, so I want notifications to come throughout the workweek, but last semester, I had a class project that used Slack and it was really chatty throughout the day, while I was at work and couldn't meaningfully respond. I finally turned off all notifications for the class workspace. Something similar would probably happen for people who use Slack for both work and Church things.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Scrum/Jira in Elders Quorum


Post by alankardec »

I'm starting to use trello in my activities to follow the stake's self-suficiencia work. Professionally I use a lot to assist in activities and project management
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