Unable to sign in after password reset

Church Account is the primary user account (user name and password) for accessing online Church resources. Church Account was formerly known as LDS Account. This forum is a space to discuss all things related to Church Accounts (registration, account recovery, user experience, vulnerabilities, etc.).
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Re: Unable to sign in after password reset


Post by FrGut »

I work at DI and was told I needed to change my password on my account. I was allowed to keep my user name on my tools app but I did have to change the password. Now I can’t get any of my ward information . All I can get is my own info. How do I fix this?
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Re: Unable to sign in after password reset


Post by russellhltn »

FrGut wrote:Now I can’t get any of my ward information . All I can get is my own info. How do I fix this?
If you're able to log into Tools, then your account isn't the issue. I'm guessing that you were released from a leadership calling and now you're finding out what the general membership sees. You can see contact info for others, but not the details like you could before.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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cannot remember login or password do not know the email address


Post by jebarlow »

As a counselor in the bishopric I am trying to help a member login to their account to take care of some personal business. They had a friend, who is no longer available, help them set up their original login and password. Is there any way the church can just set back the account so we can start over?
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Re: cannot remember login or password do not know the email address


Post by russellhltn »

jebarlow wrote:As a counselor in the bishopric I am trying to help a member login to their account to take care of some personal business. They had a friend, who is no longer available, help them set up their original login and password. Is there any way the church can just set back the account so we can start over?
You'll need to contact support.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Unable to sign in after password reset


Post by dbl010 »

Wrong email address was entered, and I forgot my password
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Re: Unable to sign in after password reset


Post by jdlessley »

dbl010 wrote:Wrong email address was entered, and I forgot my password
See the post just before yours. Except you will have to work through your ward clerk to contact support.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Unable to sign in after password reset


Post by eblood66 »

dbl010 wrote:Wrong email address was entered, and I forgot my password
You can ask your ward clerk to change your email address on your membership record. That change will automatically be synchronized to your Church account. Once it's been synchronized you should be able to recover your password using the 'Forgot Your Password?' link. I'm not sure how long it take for the email to synchronize. I'd probably wait at least 24 hours to be sure. I recently did this with a member of my ward and it did work.
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Re: Unable to sign in after password reset


Post by Srah46 »

Changed my password, got to the point where it says enter member number and date of birth. I put it in and it replies someone else has that information and refuses to go in. That other person is me. What do I do now?
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Re: Unable to sign in after password reset


Post by russellhltn »

Srah46 wrote:Changed my password, got to the point where it says enter member number and date of birth. I put it in and it replies someone else has that information and refuses to go in. That other person is me. What do I do now?
You shouldn't encounter that after changing a password. I'd expect that to happen if you clicked on the "forgot username" link.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Unable to sign in after password reset


Post by bmaxmason »

So after two weeks of sending in help desk tickets nearly every other day, my wife's account is still lock out. We have followed all the directions including logging out of GL, waiting 15 minutes, allowing the servers to sync, etc, etc, blah blah blah, intruder lockout protocol, but now she is locked out of every church app. Can someone contact me, I am afraid she is no longer worthy to access her LDS account information. Why else would no one contact her regarding why she continues to get the User name or Password not recognized error message? I am concerned for her eternal salvation as has stopped reading her scriptures as she knows her markings and annotations will be lost once she can login in. It hurts me to see her lost in spiritual app darkness.
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