No Support for iOS 10 or before

Discussions around the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch versions of the Member Tools Application.
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No Support for iOS 10 or before


Post by russellhltn »

The last version of "LDS Tools" 3.5.3, to run on iOS 10 is no longer supported. It doesn't sync.

To get the current version of Member Tools (3.6.1 as of the time of this post), requires iOS 11.0 or later.

Member Tools on the App Store

iOS 11 is compatible with these devices

I'm not sure what triggered this. The church is frequently making changes to the sync service to support new functions and to bring security up to current standards. I understand Apple's policies make it difficult, if not impossible to update apps for versions of iOS that are no longer under current support with Apple.
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Re: No Support for iOS 10 or before


Post by darrylstewart »

Thank you very much for confirming my suspicions of the last several days. As LDS Tools is invaluable as I do my callings, I will be buying a new phone. I would also humbly suggest:
[*] The notice say something other than " is currently down for maintenance."
[*] Some advance notice would allow a smoother transition to a new phone.
I appreciate all the work everyone does to allow us to use a great tool.
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Re: No Support for iOS 10 or before


Post by butler98311 »

I have the same problem - iOS 10.3.3 won't download LDS Tools (Member Tools) past version 3.5.3 - which does not sync. I'm sad to hear that I will no longer be able to use LDS Tools - since I will not be getting a new phone just to use one app. :(
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Re: No Support for iOS 10 or before


Post by brettlsands »

This is very disappointing. I have a need in my calling to be constantly accessing tools while traveling. And from my somewhat limited tech knowledge, I don't understand why I have so many other apps that will update on my old ipad but tools will not.
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Re: No Support for iOS 10 or before


Post by davesudweeks »

I don't use iOS, but my understanding is the church updated the app to support current security standards for protection of private member information. Apple has not chosen to update your OS version to support those new security standards and thus your device fails the security checks. The problem is caused by (and controlled by) the OS manufacturer, not the church. I use Android and have had to replace a device for the same reason - it, too has many apps that still function just fine. While an inconvenience, I'm grateful the church has my privacy in mind with their apps.

For your other apps, my guess is they don't need to comply with current security protocols so they continue to function.
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Re: No Support for iOS 10 or before


Post by EFHoldsworth »

Well, that's a bummer. LDS Tools has been a very helpful app but it will no longer run on my my iPhone 5. I cannot afford a new phone and wouldn't get one to respond to forced obsolescence anyway. I would appreciate it if you would please send me a refund of my tithing sufficient to purchase a new phone. I have to think that you could write an app under the old development software that could run on an iPhone 5 or just reenable the last functioning version of LDS Tools for us laggards and those who aren't wealthy. Of course rename it without the "LDS" so as to avoid offending anyone. Maybe call it "Member Tools for the Poor and Technological Dinosaurs". If you think I am irritated about this then you are correct.
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