patriarchal blessing website not working

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patriarchal blessing website not working


Post by dericksn »

I'm a bishop, and I've used the patriarchal blessing website in the past to create recommends. Often when I go there to create a recommend, via the >CR/Applications/Patriarchal blessing submissions, I only see "My Blessings", and not the other icons for creating a recommend. I'm logged in, but can't figure out why it sometimes doesn't recognize me as a leader. Any help?
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Re: patriarchal blessing website not working


Post by Biggles »

At the moment I see the same problem. I suspect that it is an intermittent server problem. Unfortunately we seem to be seeing more issues of this type recently. My take on this, is that with all the website address changes and other infrastructure updates, these issues will continue for a little while longer. We will just need to be patient until the dust settles.
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