Announcing Changes to Emphasize the Correct Name of the Church of Jesus Christ

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Announcing Changes to Emphasize the Correct Name of the Church of Jesus Christ


Post by russellhltn »

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

The name of the Church was given by the Lord Himself when He instructed: "For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" (Doctrine and Covenants 115:4). To be true to that charge, we are changing the names of many of the Church's global communication channels as follows:
  • will become
  • The missionary-focused website will be changed to
  • Church social media accounts will emphasize the name of the Savior's Church.
Over time, many Church communication channels in English will become part of In coming months, Church websites and social media accounts in other languages will be adjusted following a similar pattern. More detail can be found below or at

This is a complex effort in numerous global languages and much work remains. We encourage all to be patient and courteous as we work together to use and share the proper name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world.

Jesus Christ is at the center of His Church and we will be blessed as we strive to make Him the center of our lives.

Sincerely yours,

The First Presidency
Of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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Re: Announcing Changes to Emphasize the Correct Name of the Church of Jesus Christ


Post by russellhltn »

What's Changing?

Church Websites

In the coming months, the domain name will replace what were the following:
  • (
  • (
  • will take more time to merge with Until that time, it will change to

Church Social Media Accounts

Several Church social media accounts will consolidate and give greater emphasis to the name of the Savior's church.
  • The Church's official Facebook page will continue to be called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." The official page on Instagram will now be "Church of Jesus Christ." The handles for both pages will be @ChurchofJesusChrist.
  • A new Facebook group has been established to build community and better inform individuals about Church news and updates. This group is called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—Inspiration and News."
  • The Church's Twitter account display name will continue to be called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" with the username of @ChurchNewsroom and will be the primary source on social media for news from the Church.

Church Mobile Apps

Many of the Church's mobile apps will be renamed to align with recent direction from Church leaders regarding the naming of Church products.

Any additional changes will be posted at
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Re: Announcing Changes to Emphasize the Correct Name of the Church of Jesus Christ


Post by aplucinik »

At my home computer I changed my bookmark to point to It worked just fine even though it was automatically redirected to But it was kind of amusing that when I tried to do the same thing on the computer in the clerk's office, I get an error message that the new URL was blocked due to being a security risk. I guess the Church's internet filter on church computers did'n't get the word about the new URL.
Allan Plucinik
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Re: Announcing Changes to Emphasize the Correct Name of the Church of Jesus Christ


Post by scgallafent »

aplucinik wrote:At my home computer I changed my bookmark to point to It worked just fine even though it was automatically redirected to But it was kind of amusing that when I tried to do the same thing on the computer in the clerk's office, I get an error message that the new URL was blocked due to being a security risk. I guess the Church's internet filter on church computers did'n't get the word about the new URL.
This should be working now.
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