giving not secure warning in Chrome and Edge not working

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Post by marknlawson »

I am having problems with getting into on my Windows 10 laptop. A few things are happening with Chrome and Edge on the same laptop.

1. Chrome tells me that is not secure and I have to manually bi-pass the error by clicking advanced and proceed. I have checked the clock on my laptop and it is synced correctly.

2. Once I am logged in to using Chrome, not all of the functionality will work. Some links will not open. For example if I select "Possible Duplicates" a new page will open but will be blank.

3. Microsoft Edge is not letting me log into familysearch at all. I enter my user name and password, click sign in, and then the screen goes back to the familysearch home page and I am not logged in. If I click on family tree, the log in screen will come up, I try to log in, it will cycle as if it is logging me in, and then return to the same login screen with blank entry fields. Basically I just keep logging in over and over and it will keep going back to the login screen.

I assume this all must have something to do with a setting on my laptop or antivirus software or something else. This is a brand new laptop (two weeks old) so this is very frustrating.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: giving not secure warning in Chrome and Edge not working


Post by russellhltn »

I suspect the problem with Edge is that some "security" setting is turned on. Something like blocking cookies. No cookies, no login.

I use Chrome all the time on Win10 with FamilySearch and it works fine. Again, I'm sure something is turned off. What extensions to Chrome do you have loaded?
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: giving not secure warning in Chrome and Edge not working


Post by marknlawson »

Thank you for the feedback. I looked at the cookie setting on Edge and it was not allowing cookies. After I changed the setting to allow cookies I can now log in with Edge. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

The only extensions I have on Chrome are: Docs, Google Docs Offline, Sheets, and Slides. These are extensions for Google Drive.

Still having problems with some of the functionality. Possible Duplicates is still not working. When I select it I am taken to a partially loaded page with no text. Almost like it wants to load but can’t download the remaining data.

Still have not figured out the “website is not secure” problem with Chrome. Chrome has the same problem with the Possible Duplicates function not working like Edge.

I tried uninstalling Mcafee which came as a free trial with my laptop in hopes of resolving some of the issues. No charge. For those that are worried I am using Windows Defender so I am not unprotected from viruses.

Any further recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: giving not secure warning in Chrome and Edge not working


Post by lajackson »

marknlawson wrote:Still have not figured out the “website is not secure” problem with Chrome.
Some browsers get nervous when part of a website is secure (https://) but the site sends elements that are not secure. I do not know if FamilySearch does this. If it does, that may be a source of the problem.

When this happens, the browser I use will ask whether I wish to download the complete page. The browser will also remember the decision. I have not used Chrome, so I do not know if it works in a similar manner.
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