Sent application, keeps logging me out

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Sent application, keeps logging me out


Post by salvationforrodriguez »

So my mother filled out for an application for a job within the church. And she doesn't have strong computer skills, so filling it out was already a stuggle. But when she clicked to submit it, it lead to the log in screen. She logged back on and had to fill the whole thing again. I told her that there was a "save" option, but that too failed. :( Did the application sent or did it log her out?
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Re: Sent application, keeps logging me out


Post by rmrichesjr »

Is there any sort of 'Help' or 'Feedback' button in any of the application pages? If so, I would recommend using it to get more direct, official help.

Sorry to hear about those difficulties. Having been in job search mode twice myself in recent years, I understand difficulties can be frustrating. Hopefully, someone who can provide useful help will see the post and offer a suggestion. Just to prevent a misunderstanding, this is not an official help desk. This is simply a forum where peers try to help each other.

Meanwhile, until somebody with a more useful suggestion comes along, and on the off chance it might be of some use, there is one trick I have used for sites that log you out if you take too long to compose and type in some text. Step 1: I go to the fill-in form page, take notes on all the questions, particularly those that will take some time to compose and type in answers, then close the browser. Step 2: Offline, I edit one or more text files with the answers I will need to enter. Step 3: I go back to the form, with the text file(s) alongside and simply copy-paste from the text file(s) into the web form. Best of luck.
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Re: Sent application, keeps logging me out


Post by russellhltn »

rmrichesjr wrote:there is one trick I have used for sites that log you out if you take too long to compose and type in some text.
The other is to use something like a "preview" function so the server has to redo the page (although "refresh" is probably a bad choice - it may erase what you've already done). The idea is to keep talking to the server so it knows you're there. The server doesn't see all the typing you're doing. That's all gong on inside the browser. As far as the server knows, you've closed the page and walked away - so you have to keep asking it for something so it knows you're there.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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