I've just come home from my mission and are wondering how to get started on programing Android apps. I have a past experience in c++ but I have no idea on how to begin programing apps, but hope to learn and get experience by helping the church.
What language should I use?
How do I start?
Any help will be greatly appreciated, by me and by future prospecting programmers .
Creating an Android app requires the SDK (Software Development Kit), an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like Android Studio or Eclipse, the Java Software Development Kit (JDK) and a virtual device to test on. All this takes work to set up, and that’s before you’ve even started looking into things like Google Play Services, screen sizes, API levels…
here following are some tips:
Step 1: Download Android Studio
Step 2: Setting Up Android Studio
Step 3: Starting a New Project
Step 4: Making an Actual Thing
Step 5: How to Get Better At App Development
If you want the absolute easiest way to start, then just find some sample code that’s close to what you make and change it. No one is going to be able to explain all this to you in a way that makes any sense and if you worry about not grasping everything to begin with, you’ll never get anywhere.
So instead, dive in, get your hands dirty and learn on the job. It’s complicated and it’s frustrating but ultimately it’s highly rewarding and more than worth the initial effort.