Doubts about violent media

This forum contains discussions related to keeping families and individuals safe while making use of technology. Acceptable topics would range from how to protect families from Internet predators and online pornography, monitoring and protecting cell phone usage and text messaging, locking unwanted television and movies from various devices, protecting and monitoring computer game usage, and promoting safe Internet and technology use.
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Doubts about violent media


Post by icarolima »

i wanna know if we can accept movies or videogames in our houses that have violence without bloodshed or gore, like movies with physical agression, or disney
like lord of the rings movies, star wars games/movies, pirates of the caribean.

in the movie joseph smith the prophet of the restauration we see joseph and hyrum being shot without any blood on the scene
i had my doubt after watching it

thanks for any help
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Re: Doubts about violent media


Post by gregwanderson »

I could certainly provide an opinion but it wouldn't be authoritative. Also, this forum is designed for discussions of technical questions instead of the topic you have presented here.

I can tell you, anecdotally, that a few years ago I took an elderly relative to see the Joseph Smith movie at the Legacy Theatre in Salt Lake City. The relative hadn't been to a movie theatre in many years and was overwhelmed by the big screen, the big sound, etc. All of those elements combined with her own feelings about the martyrdom were simply too much.
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Re: Doubts about violent media


Post by sbradshaw »

The best way to get answers to "doctrinal counsel" types of questions is to meet with a member of your bishopric. They can give you an overview of what the Church teaches, and give counsel specific to you for how to apply it.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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