Linking family trees between logins

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Linking family trees between logins


Post by moeller1980 »

With the increased emphasis on putting youth to work, in particular family history, it is confusing and cumbersome to gets my kids to have the same family tree as mine when they login. Creating dummy duplicates of live people I can live with, but perhaps there should be a single one for all kids to start with, and then link in the dead folks. We stumbled around figuring this out and wasted most of our class time just getting the kids logins up to date with the parents.

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Re: Linking family trees between logins


Post by russellhltn »

moeller1980 wrote:With the increased emphasis on putting youth to work, in particular family history, it is confusing and cumbersome to gets my kids to have the same family tree as mine when they login. Creating dummy duplicates of live people I can live with, but perhaps there should be a single one for all kids to start with, and then link in the dead folks. We stumbled around figuring this out and wasted most of our class time just getting the kids logins up to date with the parents.
Not terribly confusing once you realize the FS will never show you living people. You have to enter all the living until you reach the deceased. I don't see that as changing due to privacy laws in various countries. One can't assume the children have the right to see their own parent(s) automatically in every family situation. While it might be acceptable to most, the exceptions and the law drives the rules.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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