Separating Combined Records

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Post by lajackson »

RussellHltn wrote:... it was CP/M (Pre-IBM PC)),
So was my Kaypro II. [grin]
RussellHltn wrote:But if you're really frugal - ... it's free ...
Standard disclaimer on products mentioned -
Thank you for the mentions. I had heard of most of them, but some I had not.

Through all of this, I have learned a little patience. Not much. Just a little. But, it is coming in handy right now while they find some server power to place nFS. Hope it is soon. We have no other way to clear names anymore since TempleReady is gone.
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Post by scion-p40 »

Legacy is available in 4 versions of English (US, UK, Australian, & Canadian). It is also in Dutch, Danish, and 2 versions of Norwegian. They are currently in the public testing phase for Afrikaans, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Finnish, & Swedish. Lastly, they're developing Chinese, Estonian, and 2 versions of Portugese.

They also support an awesome email list. It's great to keep abreast of what's going on in the software development, provide feedback, add to wish lists, and mostly to learn more of the awesome features.

I would find it helpful if nFS had an email list (that was also searchable on a website for those choosing not to subscribe). Aside from the nFS interface being steps backward in computer programing (i.e.: no hovering; right click is useless; moving backwards in time is pretty simple, but it cannot descend my tree; moving between siblings data takes too many steps; small box sizes cut off names; bolded name blocks the spouse; the top 2/3 of the screen is 1/3 blank; etc.), a user email list where problems can be posted and may be addressed in a timely fashion would be awesome. Having someone call me repeatedly while I'm at work or with clients is not an optimal support system.
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Post by russellhltn »

lajackson wrote:Thank you for the mentions. I had heard of most of them, but some I had not.
To complete the list, I'd add RootMagic. The author had written another program (I've forgotten the name of it) but though some business transactions lost control of it and the new owners discontinued it - so he wrote a new program. Arguably he's the only one that's had the opportunity to completely re-write "his" program starting fresh. It does have a clean interface.

As for nFS, keep in mind it's not even at version 1.0 yet - so it's not yet where the developers had envisioned when they started.
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