Inconsistent "return to calendar" icon

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Inconsistent "return to calendar" icon


Post by russellhltn »

In the full-screen for editing an event, the button/icon in the top left for returning to the calendar doesn't match the other screens.

In this screen it's "<<" next to the word "calendar". In the other screens, it's a single button "< Calendar".

Given how the ">>" and "<<" icons are being used to switch into/out of the subscription screen, I dislike using "<<" in this way.

If the desire is to create an international graphic so as to avoid the use of words which have to be translated, I'd suggest a "U-turn" arrow which means "go back". Like the "go back" icon found on Android devices.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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