Gossip from my friendly neighborhood FM guy

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Gossip from my friendly neighborhood FM guy


Post by aclawson »

I am told that

1. New buildings do not get ANY modulated equipment - all new construction is now being wired with either composite or HDMI

2. Existing buildings are currently being added to the list for a complete retrofit/upgrade, reusing existing wiring in some cases, completely new wiring everywhere else. All modulated equipment to be pulled out and replaced with modern stuff.

Hasta la pasta modulators! Finally, no more needing to maintain 25 year old VCRs!

(This will be slow to implement - my stake center is tentatively slated for the 5-8 year timeframe.)

Anybody know how they're going to handle deciding which language stream they want in which room?
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Re: Gossip from my friendly neighborhood FM guy


Post by russellhltn »

I want to know how they plan on handing multiple languages in one room - such as ASL or using the translation headsets.
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Re: Gossip from my friendly neighborhood FM guy


Post by studerje »

sorry to light up an old thread, but curious to see if anyone has actually seen these upgrades get started and how to find out if a building is scheduled for the upgrade
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Re: Gossip from my friendly neighborhood FM guy


Post by klricks »

studerje wrote:sorry to light up an old thread, but curious to see if anyone has actually seen these upgrades get started and how to find out if a building is scheduled for the upgrade
The audio/video system in our building was recently updated including the annoying white noise generators outside each bishops office.
Several rooms now have flat screen monitors mounted so no longer necessary to push around screens on carts.
Also some time ago the HVAC thermostats were replaced with 'smart' thermostats which can be controlled via a smartphone app.
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Re: Gossip from my friendly neighborhood FM guy


Post by RyanGard1977 »

Those thermostats are only to be programmed and controlled by the FM Group or approved contractors/facilities maintenance service missionaries. members are not to have access and make adjustments. They will have basic "temporary occupied" and temporary temp adjustment access on those remote screens in the rooms for the buildings that get those.

FYI upgrades to the HVAC controls and A/V systems are on a case by case basis and there is no "uniform" method that the FM Groups are using as far as I know - the upgrades depend mainly upon what's in there now and what the FM Group can get approved from Regional and Salt Lake facilities leaders (tied to the Presiding Bishopric) . Sometimes they say yes to fancy upgrades, sometimes they say no and the FM Group is left to do what they can within what budget constraints they are given for that year. (lots of stuff that is submitted for for yearly budget approval gets denied so don't be too harsh on your FM Managers they do what they can)

Also- as an FYI- there are major changes coming by the end of 2019 to most FM Groups. I predict you'll see even tighter restrictions on what will and will not be allowed to be done to and in church meetinghouses.
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Re: Gossip from my friendly neighborhood FM guy


Post by studerje »

Thanks for the update.
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Re: Gossip from my friendly neighborhood FM guy


Post by mevans »

Our stake center should be getting the A/V upgrade soon. It might even happen before October General Conference. I guess once we have a system I'll get answers about what they're doing. The stake president is trying to get some answers before it happens.

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