Does the church have contract to get copiers serviced?

This forum contains resources meant to answer the most frequently asked questions relating to the local unit copier program; also, instructional documentation related to basic operation of copiers, features, and toner cartridge and drum replacement.
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Does the church have contract to get copiers serviced?


Post by ssoderborg »

I have a Sharp AR-M207 that is in need of a service

Does the church have a contract with a certain dealer to get this service performed?
Or do we just write a check to get it fixed?
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Re: Does the church have contract to get copiers serviced?


Post by aebrown »

ssoderborg wrote:Does the church have a contract with a certain dealer to get this service performed?
Yes. See the Copier Overview on RKATS for information about how to obtain service.
ssoderborg wrote:Or do we just write a check to get it fixed?
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Re: Does the church have contract to get copiers serviced?


Post by drepouille »

First, see the link that Alan provided.

From previous conversations in this forum on this topic, and from my previous research, I believe your FM is supposed to maintain warranty coverage for all copiers and printers in your stake. However, I also believe that most FMs do not purchase this extended warranty coverage, because it is usually cheaper to just fix or replace anything that breaks.

If your Stake PFR tells your FM that the copier is broken, he should include the make, model, and serial number of the copier. The FM should check for an existing factory warranty or extended warranty. If a warranty exists, then the stake can usually call for on-site service. If no warranty exists, then the FM must make the "repair or replace" decision, and pay for it from the FM budget.

Edit: It is interesting that the Copier Overview does not mention the Stake PFR, but rather makes this the responsibility of "Stake technology specialists, clerks, or librarians." That is good to know, since I am both the STS and the stake clerk.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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