FamilySearch Indexing API?

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FamilySearch Indexing API?


Post by riceboyler »

So I have a crazy idea for a new app that would allow people to track the number of records they've indexed and make it into a bit of a competition. Now, I can do this the old school way and have people track their records by inputting the numbers manually, but what I would really prefer to do is tap into FamilySearch and be able to pull data that way.

I'm assuming that there is no API currently available that would allow me to do this. Is there any possibility of having some kind of API for indexing in the future?
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Re: FamilySearch Indexing API?


Post by jdlessley »

The Church only makes APIs available for official projects. Family Search does release APIs for commercial programs under agreements. I doubt they would release a Family Search API for a private venture.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: FamilySearch Indexing API?


Post by sbradshaw »

There would also be a few hurdles to overcome in terms of getting permission from each participant to pull their indexing data. I've heard that the new web-based FamilySearch Indexing coming out this year will include more tracking functionality and possibly a bit more competition, but I don't know the details...
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