Broadcast Recording of YW Broadcast

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Broadcast Recording of YW Broadcast


Post by techgy »

We have been recording satellite broadcasts for years with rarely a problem.
However, for some reason the audio level of the recent YW Broadcast was so high that the audio on the recorded DVD was distorted.

I'd like to know if anyone else has a copy or can we order one from Distribution Services or Church Headquarters.

Did anyone else notice this during the recent YW broadcast?:cool:
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Post by russellhltn »

I didn't notice any problems. Did you record via Line In or from a TV channel? Do you know if they made any recent changes to the system?
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Post by techgy »


We haven't changed anything for quite some time.
The recordings are taken directly from the rf output off of the receiver, which is the only location we really have access to in the satellite cabinet.

Broadcasts prior to this and afterwards were just fine. Video was good.
The audio for the speakers was a little hot, but it was definitely too high for the choir numbers as that's what's a bit distorted.
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DVD From Download


Post by mzundel »

I take the download from and make a DVD. I use devede on Linux to convert the .wmv to a DVD. devede is a great program and can convert just about any standard media file. It does take some HD space. There is also some video quality loss in the dark shadows. Whatever you convert, be sure to observe all copyrights.
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Post by techgy »

I've had others mention that they've downloaded video from, however, that's not available for a while after the broadcast. I usually get at least one or two requests from someone who didn't make it to a broadcast to borrow the recording.

If this was a common occurance I'd be looking a little harder for a resolution.

I was hoping that someone else had noticed the problem, but apparently not.
There's a CES broadcast next month and I hope that it's OK. Prior to that I'll check the audio to confirm that it's working as expected.

Thanks for everyone's responses.
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Post by JamesAnderson »

I saw the same broadcast and saw no problems. The feed to BYUTV and KBYU-TV were both OK, even the sound on KBYU-FM was clean and clear.

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