I know this topic is quite lengthy, but it has been mentioned multiple times that it is indeed possible to use electronic bill payment services to make donations to your local unit. There's no reason at all that you would not be able to pay your tithing first, do it electronically, and do it at the ward level. By no means is it any kind of sin to want to pay your tithing online.ssonderegger wrote:Every time I research the topic, I get this story of "the church prefers that you pay at your unit" -- like it's some sort of sin to want to pay your tithing online. I don't write checks. OK, I write one check a month -- tithing and fast offerings.
Every bill payment service I'm aware of has the ability to send a paper check. That's the option you will need to use at this point. It's best for you to counsel with your ward financial clerk and/or bishop to understand how your ward would like this handled:
- Some wards are fine with you directing that the BillPay check is sent directly to the bishop, and you detail the breakdown by donation category on the memo line of the check.
- Other wards want you to deliver a donation slip to the bishopric that can be matched up with the BillPay check that is sent directly to the bishop;
- If your ward doesn't like either of those options, you can always send the BillPay check to yourself (made out to the ward, but with your address), and then you put that check with a donation slip in a regular donation envelope. That's clearly some hassle, but you still benefit from the automatic payment feature and you don't need to even own a checkbook.