How to pay tithing online?

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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by davesudweeks »

Gary_Miller wrote:
marianomarini wrote:I think that this is due to prevent Stake President permission if disbursement exceed fund amount!
While I know there is a need for the stake presidents OK if the amount exceeds a specific dollar amount for a one time FO expense. There is no requirement just because the amount will exceed what the members of the ward has donated.
The prior Stake President in our Stake wanted all wards in the Stake to be "net donor" wards (i.e. transmitted more FO funds to SLC than they used). This is NOT required by the church, but sometimes individual leaders have certain reasons for implementing local procedures. Since the new Stake President was called (he served as a counselor under the prior SP), there has not been one mention of "net donor."
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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by dannykos »

It's a nice thing to be self sufficient as a ward or stake - even to the extent of soliciting additional sacrifices from some wealthy members (where appropriate) - to help meet increased needs. Not always possible though - and certainly should never be the reason to not render assistance when required.
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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by GlenRH »

I hope this gets resolved soon. More and more of the donations are coming as online bank generated checks and we do have to call and then fill out the donation slips. The number is doubling yearly for our ward, and this is the third year of seeing them from the regular members. We also have a traveling member that does time here, but never transfers his records (only stays 60 day at a time), and gets two paychecks while here and keeps forgetting he has to pay back in his home ward. Sometimes we end up sending the check via mail to his home ward bishop. He REALLY would like to have online pay. So would we. :o
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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by johnshaw »

Since the last time I posted here I've seen the form to sign-up for online bill pay distributed on multiple facebook groups (at least 5 or so) - not a single person that shared the document indicated that SLC didn't want anyone using the system. If people Call SLC and SLC sends them the form, SLC needs to expect that relatives, friends of that individual will also receive the form, that friends and relatives of those relatives and friends will receive it to the 7th son of the 7th son - there are likely so many already doing it that we need a better answer.

But my sister does, or my mother or my fill-in-the-blank is doing it doesn't serve a clerk well that is saying he's been instructed not to give out the information.

I can understand 10 years ago that the system might have been intended for a specific purpose, but those days are very long gone.
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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by lajackson »

JohnShaw wrote:But my sister does, or my mother or my fill-in-the-blank is doing it doesn't serve a clerk well that is saying he's been instructed not to give out the information.
Our clerks refer them to the official Donations Department statement about 22 posts back in this Topic. The members then know the preferred donation method and they have a phone number and an email address if they have any questions.

Someone famous once said something about teaching correct principles and letting the members govern themselves. We provide the statement, which includes the principle, and the issue is no longer an item with which the clerk needs to concern himself.
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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by russellhltn »

lajackson wrote:the issue is no longer an item with which the clerk needs to concern himself.
Except for this:
GlenRH wrote:I hope this gets resolved soon. More and more of the donations are coming as online bank generated checks and we do have to call and then fill out the donation slips. The number is doubling yearly for our ward, and this is the third year of seeing them from the regular members.
It may be time to set some ward-level policy of what's acceptable.
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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by Gary_Miller »

GlenRH wrote:More and more of the donations are coming as online bank generated checks and we do have to call and then fill out the donation slips.
All that needs done is for you as the clerk to contact the individuals and let them know that if the check does not state what the funds are for the whole amount will be placed as tithing. After that there is no need to call them in order to fill out a slip.
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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by lajackson »

russellhltn wrote:
lajackson wrote:the issue is no longer an item with which the clerk needs to concern himself.
Except for this:
I was referring to the comment by JohnShaw that a clerk is not able to give out information concerning online payments.

But as you mention, GlenRH does point out another problem, what to do when a bank check shows up without instructions from the member on how to direct the contribution. I think Gary_Miller has just the answer. After all, that's what we do when a regular check shows up in a donation envelope without a contribution slip and we are not able to contact the donor.

Whether paying in cash or by personal check, or using the convenience of bill pay and a bank check, the member still has the responsibility to let the bishopric and clerk know how the contribution is to be directed.

Clerks are good, but they are not mind readers.
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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by TinMan »

lajackson wrote: After all, that's what we do when a regular check shows up in a donation envelope without a contribution slip and we are not able to contact the donor.
We don't. The clerks either give it back to me to keep until next week when we can ask the donor (especially if it is cash), or if it is a check, we mail it back to them with a slip to fill out along with a sticky note asking them to turn it back in.

Then the donor can allocate the funds as he/she sees fit. Usually mailing it back a few times will self correct the habitual person who turns in a donation without a slip.
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Re: How to pay tithing online?


Post by ssonderegger »

I can't tell you how frustrating this is as a member. I handle ALL of my finances electronically. I pay my bills online. We are taught that we should pay our tithing FIRST. However, I can't, because I have to write a check to do it. Thus, my tithing (since I can't do it online) automatically becomes the LAST thing I pay -- and I end up feeling guilty for that.

Every time I research the topic, I get this story of "the church prefers that you pay at your unit" -- like it's some sort of sin to want to pay your tithing online. I don't write checks. OK, I write one check a month -- tithing and fast offerings.

Even the people who fertilize my lawn will take electronic payments, but I'm sinning if I want to pay my tithing electronically.

The church has some amazing technology, so why is it that this is the one area where they are determined to lag the rest of the world by 20 years?
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