Single Adults Website

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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by tyjoti89 »

That was very helpful information. I am sorry I didn't look around more before.

I have posted my idea on ... h_projects. I have also read the church's privacy policy and I think that this is very doable. Also I gave some thought to what department might want to support such a project. Do you think that the LDS Family services department might be interested? It was stated earlier
The effort has to be sponsored by a church department. You need to figure out which department(s) are the best bet and pitch it to them. As far as I know, there is no "Single Member" department. So it's likely you're going to have to appeal to the Priesthood Department.
Is there a list of departments openly available? I have already shared this idea with my cousin (who works for ICS) and I plan to share it with my YSA Bishop. Thanks for all your help!
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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by russellhltn »

tyjoti89 wrote:Do you think that the LDS Family services department might be interested?
Doesn't seem likely to me. If you look at the web page, it seems to fall more into the area of Professional counseling or social work. They're not involved with the general membership.
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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by lajackson »

dianek.robbins wrote:so what happened with this idea? Very little is being done to help single adults find each other thru the church, especially if you are over 30. there are 3 devotionals for young single adults in 2017 but when asked what the church is doing for the adult singles there is silence. Firesides focus on things that are gospel related but not address the plight of singleness or offer a solution. it is like the church doesn't know what to do with so the subject is avoided.
If your stake has a single adult representative, I would suggest you start there. If not, one of the counselors in your stake presidency is responsible for single adults. He will be able to direct you to other resources.

Then I would become involved with the activities of the multi-stake coordinating council where you live. Most of them have effective communication channels to keep single adults aware of planned activities.

Our stake has regular firesides and activities, and other stakes (but not all) do the same. Stakes in the coordinating councils in our area host two regional single adult conferences each year. These activities and conferences are the places where you will meet and associate with other single adults.

Personally, I do not believe the Church will set up a dating site. It is far too risky, in my opinion. So the next best place to meet other single adults is through regularly planned Church activities. In places where the Church is strong, there will be many. In places where there are not as many Church members, you will have to travel to meet other single adults who are members of the Church.

I am in the latter category. I know from personal experience that it is not easy.
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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by RyanGard1977 »

It's not the mission or job of the church to play match maker. They help us out by teaching us correct principles and what not but the responsibility to find our eternal companion falls on us singles and no one else. There are websites out there that cater to LDS Singles, but they like any other dating site, are only as good as the people who use them. And yes I know how boring and frustrating the stake/regional sponsored activities can get as well, believe me. There are only so many dances and event nights we can tolerate and then we finally roll our eyes and stop going.

I suggest you don't limit yourself to dating only members, and also move to an area that has a larger LDS singles population if you are desperate enough. Otherwise, the singles life aint so bad.
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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by BeyondGoodbye »

I would love to see sa Members only website where we could sign in and browse and message members for free or for a very small monthly membership fee. I am now on LDSPlanet and I get more "I like your photo" tags than anything. Unpaid members or frauds contact me who are not paying members therefore are just sending flirts etc. I know that dances are not as fun when I was younger. I think it would be a great idea to have the church involved or a way to sign in with our membership number. There are thousands of fraudulent men and woman trying to pose as americans when they are not. I want to meet men who have recommends who are worthy of me. I'm sure the feeling is mutual for worthy men. I have been divorced since 1999 and have never been sealed. It is my prayer of course. We need a Utah Singles Website where we can meet, chat and post pictures. It doesn't have to be extravagant. About me, Thoughts on the Gospel and a place to list what we enjoy doing hobbies etc. it's been hard to find love and companionship. I'm a singles representative in the Albian Ward and I would love to be part of this. is my email. I'm 52 years old and hopes that my feedback helps.

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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by sbradshaw »

I think the same problems that occur on LDSPlanet or other dating sites would also occur on an LDS-sponsored site. The Church can restrict access to LDS Account, but anyone can sign up for an LDS Account (member or not). They could make it members-only, but with millions of members around the world there are still bound to be some fraudsters who sign up, either with their own account or with someone else's account. And there would be no way to restrict the site even further to temple-recommend-holding members without running into privacy issues – temple recommend status is private membership information. People who join the site would have a false sense of security, thinking "this is a Church site, so nothing can go too wrong," which would make people even more vulnerable to fraud.
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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by russellhltn »

sbradshaw wrote:The Church can restrict access to LDS Account, but anyone can sign up for an LDS Account (member or not).
As evidence of that, this forum requires a LDS Account to join and we regularly have to delete spam from here.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by marionp1 »

If this was opened up to all members around the world I am sure that they would join such a site, as I for one have tried the other sites and many times have had to deal with scammers of which many are getting really good at pretending to be members of the church. It would be a really good idea if members agree to join they could be shown to be members by using their accounts through the church and it would stop so many from losing out on the chance to meet those that are the real members!

I have been trying for years to find someone and have not given up but have many times when I feel like it and do for a time but go back again in the hope that I will find someone interested. Also it maybe a good idea to ask all members to give everyone a chance to at least chat with them first as too often a lot of good members of the church like to view us sisters online and because they do not live in the same country as them they will not even respond to a message sent to them. Most males no what the rejection is like but for us on these sites it is far higher than it is for them!!!
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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by littlecari »

Today, several activities were announced for "mid singles" ages 30-45. I am confused by the term and looked in the handbook, but only saw SA and YSA listed.
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Re: Single Adults Website


Post by lajackson »

littlecari wrote:I am confused by the term
Mid-singles is not an official Church program. In most usages I have seen, it is defined by local members as a subset of Singles Adults, single members age 31 and up. One of the most often voiced criticisms of the Single Adult program is that activities for older single adults are of no interest to younger single adults, and vice versa. Some priesthood leaders have allowed mid-singles to evolve as a group that includes activities geared for younger single adults.

In many areas, Single Adult activities are simply announced as being of interest to the "younger" single adults or the "older" single adults, without a formal designation off "mid-singles". That said, Church leaders care about members of every age, single or married, and this is one unofficial way some have tried to place some emphasis on one age-group in the single adult universe.

I have found that when those who self-identify as "mid-singles" work closely with their priesthood leaders and follow other Church policies, things usually go well.
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